Because we all got our issues.

Dein Selbstwert-Programm...
... ist von klinischen Psycholog:innen entwickelt.
4 Wochen mit:
- täglichen psychologischen Inhalten
- täglichen interaktiven Übungen
- täglichen Reflexionsfragen
- psychologischen Videos
- Moodtracker
und vieles mehr!

Finally it's starting!
On April 13th, it's happening - your self-worth program begins! And until then? Right after purchase, you'll receive thought-provoking prompts to help you engage with your mental health and self-worth.Your self-worth program will assist you in getting to know yourself better, proactively addressing your insecurities, and promoting your satisfaction.This can only be good - what are you waiting for?

Do you want to…
... boost your self-esteem?
... tackle your insecurities proactively?
... work on your satisfaction and inner peace?
... get to know yourself better and deepen your relationship with yourself?
... prioritize your mental health and establish self-care in your daily life?
Then this program is perfect for you!
What are you waiting for? Sign up today to get the earlybird special!
With goodminds, we aim to make mental health prevention accessible to everyone. If your situation doesn't cover such costs, email us, describe your circumstances, and we'll find a solution. We promise
What can I expect from the program?
Our goodminds program is a 4-week online journey for you, to work on your self-esteem. Over 4 weeks, we cover self-esteem, basic human needs, and emotion regulation from start to finish. By the end of the program, you'll have a toolbox filled with methods, and you'll have already integrated all the learning into your daily life.
How is the program structured exactly, and what do I get?
Video lessons, daily psychological content, and interactive exercises on the topic of self-worth, daily reflection questions, and a mood tracker. Additionally, you'll receive a digital journal for printing to accompany you throughout the program.
🚨 You can always add personal psychological support later for €119 per session. Course participants get a special price 💥
When does the program start?
It starts on 13th April. You can start the program at any time and complete the content at your own pace.
How long do I have access to the content?
The digital content can be accessed for a minimum of 6 months after purchase.
Who is the program suitable for?
Our program is actually suitable for everyone. Why? Because we all have our insecurities.
The program is perfect for you if you're eager to actively address your issues and strengthen your relationship with yourself and your self-esteem. Our program provides you with psychological information and can accompany you on this journey.
Do you believe that the program isn't the right fit for you?
How about scheduling a one-on-one psychological session instead?
Book your free, non-binding initial consultation now!